Friday, June 01, 2007

Field Day Fun!!

I'll be honest, it feels like yesterday that I was at field day for the boy's when they were in 2nd they are almost done with the 3rd grade, where did the year go!! This year they were on the white team, and they were disappointed, "The blue team always wins", they said. I responded with, "well it's time for a change, time for the white team to win!!" I was right, the white team stepped up and won Field Day!! I think it had something to do with the fact that I came with the white hair spray and white face paint.... Here is the white team I was in charge of...we rocked!!
My 9's!!
Jake's victory look after he threw the ball through all the rings and scored a perfect ten!!
Taiji and his buddy Nathan.
After the white team won, Taiji created a victory sign...this is it!!
Of course my competitive spirit came out and they will probably ask me not to come back next year....but it was a beautiful sunny day and we had a ton of fun!!
I'll let you know about next year!! =)


Tanya said...

I was waiting for these victorious pictures to be posted....way to go white team.... it's a good thing the rest of the white teams did well!! What a great day for this, it was fun to watch! See ya Saturday!

Becky said...

I am so disappointed I missed your antics! I must have arrived to late...I really arrived late since I barely found Mia before she was done. :P What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Way to go boys! Weird how I can still remember field day like it was yesterday for me! And here I am graduating in a week exactly!!! Hooray!
Chelsea :)

Laurie said...

You competitive???????? No way. I never noticed. ;)