Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fun on Bellingham Bay!

Our good friends, Ron & Debbie invited us and the kids out on a little boating adventure around Bellingham Bay. The kids were sooo excited and I think Kali said boat about a 1000 times as we drove in to Bellingham. The ride was great and we experienced it! We were looking for seals and were lucky enough to see two, sunning themselves on the logs. Here are a couple of pictures from our adventure. Taiji, Kali & Jake
Cheesy queen!!
Handsome little devil!!
Cute as a bug in a rug!!
No boating adventure is complete without a nice meal at Anthony's!! The kids ate like pigs and so did the adults!!
Goof ball!!

Here's our cute seal!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OH!!! Sweet Summer~~~ gotta love that salt water and boatin!! I'll be prayin bout the rely.. Hope is a good thing; maybe the Best thing. hugs guela vd