Monday, June 04, 2007

Fun Stuff!!

We had a great weekend here at the VanDalen household. There was some baseball, yard work, splashing around in the creek, friends over, graduation parties, church, naps, deck swimming, and movie night. I'm sure I forgot some stuff, but I think you get the point...sometimes it really is the little things in life that make life worth it!! We had fun!! Kali at her cutest!
Gotta love the outside bath in a turtle no less!
Movie night-"Everyone's Hero" A baseball movie....of course!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You only forgot your mother. Just because you forgot your camera and that was her only 15 minutes of flame---you could have drawn something--but then who saw me after all my daughters and their daughters insisted on jumping in the parade and stole the show!!!!!!!!!!!