Friday, January 09, 2009

Our Christmas...better late then never!!

Well here it is my final Christmas post! I've been waiting for my Computer to get fixed (currently on a lil' lap top) but I got the word yesterday that the Computer is crashed and not going to return!! So I will trudge forward on my lil' guy until we decide what to do...anyways, I realized that I had done all the other Christmas Parties...but I hadn't posted any pictures of our family Christmas. It was a drawn out affair. We decided to start on Monday since we would be losing Jake to his dad's on Christmas day. So the boys (and Kali) agreed to read an hour on Monday so they could open a present! The same went for Tuesday and Wednesday...that is why the kids are in different clothes almost every picture. It was a lot of fun and I think they really liked their gifts. The big surprise came in the form of a small scavenger hunt that led them through the house and back to the stocking where they found certificates for a trip to California!! They were so excited and we are too. We look forward to spending that time with family and all the Disney princesses!! I really hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! I promise this is the last post on the Holidays...until December that is!!


michele said...

That rockstar pic of Kali is so great! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year!

Laurie said...

I highly recommend the iMac. Did yo get the nasty virus posing as Microsoft antivirus software 2009? That one took down our PC but we did manage to save our files and pics.

Great pics now stop celebrating already. :)