Friday, March 14, 2008

I've been tagged...

My friend Becky has tagged me. I've known Becky since our good ole college days...but didn't really get to know her until I moved back to Lynden. She's a great friend and amazing mom! Check out her new blog Simply Enjoy if ya want to be inspired in the art of Digital Scrap booking and all around creativity!! Love ya Bec!

The rules: Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog.* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. Since I have discovered the world of blogging...I find that I only take pictures of things that I think are blog worthy! (Which obviously hasn't been much lately)

2. I tend to have a very addictive personality...If I start a book I have to finish is ASAP, if I get into a project I think of little else until it is finished...

3. I'm very controlling...I know that I should have my boys doing more chores, but I find it's just easier for me to do it myself then to explain it to them and then end up doing it anyway cuz they didn't listen!

4. I can watch the Movie 'French Kiss' (Meg Ryan & Kevin Kline) anytime, starting at any point in the movie. 'Beautiful, Gorgeous wish you were here!!' (You have to see it)

5. M*A*S*H reruns pretty much put me to sleep every night!

6. I really don't enjoy all! I know this must be surprising since I'm so coordinated...not !!

7. I would love to run the Amazing Race...any volunteer's to be by partner, since Shane and I would probably kill each other!!

Okay, I did it!!

So now I tag: Laurie, Tanya, Emily, Tasha, Lacey, Sara, Aunt Sue! Have at it girls and have some fun!


Anonymous said...

i am TOTALLY going to pitch myself as your amazing race partner. we could SO win!! TK and rachel??? the've got nothin on us? you know how everybody has a "tagline' like new relationship or beauty queens....what would ours be? hmmm....i'll get back to you on that one. xox arb (amazing race buddy) -kk

Laurie said...

I must protest and say that I should be considered for your amazing race partner! :)

Our tagline would be, college roomies who haven't seen each other in over 10 years. (So, we lie a little.) ;)

And just so you know, I've been taking a body pump class at a local gym so I'm getting buffed. You need a buffed partner!!!!

Becky said...

Well done! And the Amazing Race thing...not sure I can compete with KK or Lauri but if they don't work out for ya' I'd love to be considered since my husband won't take me on as his partner, although I think we'd be awesome!

Sue Holtvluwer said...

Amy - I am not sure how to do the "tagged" thing?! I am sorry, but I would really like to do it. I feel really stupid.

~ Aunt Sue