Thursday, February 04, 2010


Well here it is!! I know, it's about time!! But better late then never!! For the last couple of months I've been working on a giant room swap. Truman to the front room, Jake and Taiji to Truman's old room and Kali downstairs into Jake and Taiji's old room. It's been a project. All of the kids are now in their rooms and loving it...I still have some work to do up stairs...but that is another post altogether!! Here's a shots of the room before me and my paint can took over!
and then....
a couple of shots of the work in progress!
Gettin' er done!!
Kali standing in her new pretend kitchen. Complete with homemade valences!
This corner is still a little undiscovered...but for now it's great for all her stuff!!
My favorite part!! A Scott VanDalen custom made loft bed. It's awesome. It's a double bed with a ton of room down below for reading and watching movies. The curtain's close for hiding and darkness.
We have one very happy little girl....she loves her room....her friends love her room and mommy loves that she loves it!!